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US-97 Alt
Chelan, WA, 98816
United States



The Goats


Each summer, we are lucky enough to host a few goats from Pine Stump Farms in Omak.  Pine Stump is a small, sustainable goat dairy that produces milk, cheese, and meat.  The goats there (and also the land and other animals ) are well treated and the farmers make a modest and sustainable living off their small farm business.

All of the goats we get are males. In a goat dairy (or cow dairy or any other dairy), the moms have to be bred every year in order to produce milk..  Half of the babies born every spring are inevitably boys, which unfortunately have a limited role in a dairy. Often these boys are sold as kids for meat. You may not know that more goat-meat is eaten worldwide than any other meat

At Sunshine, we give a few goats a good summer on the farm and sell them on-the-hoof each fall. We appreciate all the visitors who come to enjoy our goats during their stay.  It might not be fun to think about, but it's a good opportunity to learn more about our food system and farm cycles.